  • Circles
  • 01.12.2022

Remote week at the Canary Islands

This autumn we finally had the possibility to have our Sunny Circles remote working week in the Canary Islands. The planning of this activity started a couple of years back, but we could finalize it finally this autumn in the beginning of November.

The trip was a success and definitely something to consider doing again. People enjoyed their stay, ate well and did a bit of sports like hiking, swimming and snorkelling.

Although all the participants could work efficiently there are a few things that we need to remember next time:

  • Time difference (early morning meetings are even earlier than usual)
  • Location of the accommodation (food shopping, free time activities, places to visit etc.)
  • Accommodation type (multiple apartments or villa that fits everyone or something else)
  • Public holidays (is everything closed or are stores and restaurants open)
  • Eating facilities nearby (local restaurants, nearby bigger towns, local cafes etc.)

All in all, it was great fun and we could work efficiently. Planning for the next activity starts soon!