
DevSecOps Services

We can help you in various ways with your software development projects, used tools and environments. We always look for ways to improve the level of automation, software quality and work efficiency. Thus we are giving our customers the possibility to focus on their business without endangering sensitive data from any environment or tools being used.

We provide our customers a full range of digital co-creation services with high quality. Our service offering includes, for example, digital leadership, service and user experience design, software development and cloud platform expertise supported by cutting-edge DevSecOps practices. Our experts have been part of multiple software projects and fixed various bottlenecks so that software development has become more efficient and Time to Market has decreased. Ultimately, to ensure you are using software that is safe, we also provide security and penetration testing as a service.

DevOps is about combining Agile methodologies with best practices of software development and automation. Security within our DevSecOps services is about developing software securely with DevOps practices, keeping information secure, using up-to-date tools and ultimately keeping end users satisfied.

Circles DevSecOps services

  • DevSecOps consultation
  • DevOps transformation / assessment
  • Cloud consultation
  • Web security and penetration testing
  • Test automation consultation
  • Software development

Are you interested to hear more about our services? Do you need help with something else?
Write me a message and let’s discuss how to improve your situation!

Contact information

Teo Kohonen

+358 10 3843 330