  • 19.9.2023


In my previous story, I gave you a quick glimpse of Circles. Now, let’s dive deeper into the concept of Circles in this one.

At Circles, we don’t have a high hierarchy where decisions are made only by top management. We have Circles (group of people) dedicated to a specific topic and Circle makes these decisions independently – without management interference. Starting a circle is easy, you only need three like-minded people to form it.

The question “What is your Circle?”  highlights the company’s unique approach to fostering a collaborative and engaging work environment. We have two types of Circles: hobby and decision-making.

By forming a hobby circle employees have the opportunity to connect with colleagues, learn new things, participate in sports activities, enjoy fancy dinners, or engage in any other shared passions. Circles Consulting has a strong emphasis on community-building and shared interests among its employees. The slogan invites prospective senior software developers to explore and discover their passions and interests beyond their technical expertise, emphasizing that Circles encourages employees to connect with others through various activities and hobbies. To give a few examples: we sailed to the seas with Nautical Circle during the summer, visited festivals such as Tuska Festival with Live Event Circle, and with Sports Circle we arranged different sports activities monthly. 

Hobby circles are sponsored by our employees: part of the revenue they bring in goes to the hobby circles they belong to and they have the final word to decide what kind of activities they would like to use their budget for. 

Now, decision-making circles are where the real magic happens. If you’re part of a circle that aligns with your interests, you’re not just a bystander; you can bring up topics for discussion. Need a new coffee machine, thinking of bringing a fresh face onboard, or eyeing a spiffy office space? Your voice matters.

If you’re into it, you can also hop into a workgroup, like the one shaping our company’s brand. We’ve got an open-door policy – everyone’s invited. It’s all about the collective input shaping our company.


That’s the story behind the name Circles. It’s about crafting a workplace that’s not just about work but also about connecting through shared interests, making decisions together, and having a blast while you’re at it. So, what is your Circle?

written by Gökhan Korkmaz
Talent Acquisition Specialist